The Write Choice for Document Review

Why Choose PAWS

Certified Professionals

The professional reviewer at PAWS Proofing Portal has extensive experience in proofreading and editing and will work hard to ensure high quality and provide timely service.

Personal Attention

When you submit your document to PAWS Proofing Portal for review, you can be assured that your document will never be outsourced to a third party.

Affordable Service

Transparent pricing is our number one concern. We offer excellent services at the most reasonable prices. No hidden charges.

Our Services

At PAWS Proofing Portal we are committed to the careful review of each document you submit. Affordable pricing and professional service are our primary goals.
Resume Review

A well-crafted resume that tellingly presents talents and expertise eventually ends up getting noticed and plays a vital role in any employment situation. It is your personal branding document. The professional reviewer will review your resume to ensure that it effectively represents you to potential employers.

Linkedin Profile

A dynamic LinkedIn profile is the first step to getting noticed and networking with the person or people who can propel your career or business to new heights. Sessions for assistance with creating or enhancing your LinkedIn profile can be scheduled with the owner.

Educational & Business Consulting
A consultant can provide valuable advice and guidance when building, reviewing, or evaluating learning systems or businesses for effectiveness. Having a knowledgeable and passionate consultant will assist in getting an education professional or business owner to the next level. Consultations can be scheduled with the owner, in one-hour increments.


" Dr. Shuford is very professional. She spends quality time with your product so that it receives positive results. "
" One of the most brilliant people I know. "
" PAWS provides accurate, fast, and reliable service. "
Wanjiku Jackson
Northwest Florida State College

Dr. Patrice A. Williams-Shuford

Patrice has more than 25 years of writing, proofreading, and editing experience and is certified in Business Marketing and Business Entrepreneurship.

About the Owner

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